Overview of Discovery Endpoints
- 1-line recap of Virtualization (link to other "What are Virtualization" pages).
- Summary of when to use Discovery, indicate typical time required for URL discovery
- Need to flesh out asynchronous asset discovery
- need clarification of requirements for secure discovery
- Link to summary of Asset-level metadata
- Need to make sure we purge all vestiges of Discovery with upload.
URL Discovery Endpoints
Public URL Discovery (Standard)
Fetches and Discovers asset specified in the sourceUrl parameter. In this case only asset's Header information is saved.
POST /v3/discover
- Click here to try it out (LVS login required)
Request Body:
{ "name" : "Big Buck Bunny Demo4" , "tags" : [ "Big Buck Bunny" , "Bunny004" , "test004" ], "thumbnailUrl" : "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/Big_buck_bunny_poster_big.jpg/800px-Big_buck_bunny_poster_big.jpg" , "uploadSource" : false } |
Response Body:
{ "id" : 114 , "name" : "Big Buck Bunny Demo4" , "duration" : 596.5216666666666 , "tags" : [ "test004" , "bunny004" , "big buck bunny" ], "thumbnailUrl" : "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/Big_buck_bunny_poster_big.jpg/800px-Big_buck_bunny_poster_big.jpg" , "trackMeta" : [ { "height" : 720 , "width" : 1280 , "type" : "VIDEO" }, { "height" : 0 , "width" : 0 , "type" : "AUDIO" } ], "meta" : { "width" : 1280 , "height" : 720 } } |
Public URL Discovery (Asynchronous)
POST /v3/discover/async
- Click here to try it out (LVS login required)
- Need to flesh out asynchronous asset discovery use case
Secure (non-Public) URL Discovery
- need clarification of requirements for secure discovery
Check status of Asynchronous URL Discovery
For each Task you created via Asynchronous call you can check its current processing status using the following call. Please specify valid id when calling this endpoint.
GET /v3/discover/status/{taskId}
- Click here to try it out (LVS login required)
Use the Task ID you received from the Asynchronous Discovery call to check the progress of Asset Discovery.
Asset Representations Discovery Endpoints
Discover Representation (standard)
Use this endpoint to:
- attach an additional HLS source at a publicly accessible URL to existing Asset records originally discovered using MP4 source files.
- attach an additional MP4 source at a publicly accessible URL to existing Asset records originally discovered with HLS source assets.
POST /v3/discover/{assetId}
- Click here to try it out (LVS login required)
Request Example
{ "description" : "string" , "format" : "HLS" , } |
Response Example
{ "created" : "2019-07-24T11:34:06.279+0000" , "description" : "string" , "duration" : 352018 , "format" : "MP4" , "id" : "string" , "meta" : { "height" : 0 , "width" : 0 }, "sourceUrl" : "string" } |
Discover Secure Representation
POST /v3/discover/secure/{assetId}
- Click here to try it out (LVS login required).
- need clarification of requirements for secure discovery
Use this endpoint to:
- attach an additional HLS source at an authenticated (i.e. non-public) URL to existing Asset records originally discovered using MP4 source files.
- attach an additional MP4 source at an authenticated (i.e. non-public) URL to existing Asset records originally discovered with HLS source assets.
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