Register for a free trial account on our self-service platform at LVS.LINIUS.COM and begin exploring our video personalization capabilities today.
Signing up
- Go to and click "Register for an account."
Please enter your organization's name, your first/last names, a unique username, your phone number, and your desired password.
Once you've completed the form, click Register. LVS will send an automated email to the email address that you provided.- Password must include only latin symbols/digits and have at least one digit, one uppercase and lowercase letter.
- Your username must be unique. You may be prompted to enter a different username.
You will receive the following email from Click the "Complete your registration" link to automatically pass your verification code and username to the LVS login page. Log in with your chosen password to complete the registration process and proceed to the LVS Dashboard.
Please note:
Some browsers and email clients may not automatically pass your username and verification code to the sign-in page, and you may be prompted to manually enter these values.
Also please keep in mind that the trial account will be limited to certain amount of video minutes and API calls. To get access to a full LVS account, you will have to contact us directly.
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