v2.26.0 (April, 2024)
- Bumper improvements
- Bug fixes
v2.24.0 (March, 2024)
- UI changes in the Profile icon
- Bug fixes
v2.20.0 (March, 2024)
- Improvements in Search functionalities
- Bug fixes
v2.14.0 (February, 2024)
- Timeline improvements
- User can create a collection or use an existing one when they add clip(s) on the timeline through the add clip button (+)
- Naming changes
- Bug fixes
v2.13.0 (January, 2024)
- User filter experience improvement
- Total number of clips is now displayed in the filter section
- Filter section is now larger
- User is able to clear all the selected filter options from the bottom of the filter section
- The selected number of the filter is now visible when the filter section is closed
- Bug fixes
v2.7.0 (January, 2024)
- ‘Select All’ in each of the filters is now an option for the user in order to select all the options by one click
- Bug fixes
v2.6.0 (January, 2024)
- Changed the order of the buttons within the ellipses menu on the timeline
- Bug fixes
v2.4.0 (December, 2023)
- Timeline sorting by event date, descending order (oldest > newest) – User is able to sort their clips in the timeline from the oldest to the newest
- Bug fixes
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